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Staff Members

  • K. Beck – RRS Lead

On Our Way to Becoming a UNICEF Rights Respecting School

What is a Rights Respecting School?


At Belmont Academy, we want our children and young people to be knowledgeable about their rights and feel safe, secure and prepared for a world beyond school. We have been working alongside UNICEF to be able to accomplish this and allow pupils to achieve their fullest potential.

Last year, we achieved our Bronze status and are fully committed to working toward achieving Silver. We hope to achieve this by continuing to learn and improve our knowledge and implementing RRS information into more aspects of our school day. This Award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation, which are at the heart of what we are aiming for at Belmont Academy.

Children's Rights

The ‘General Principles’ of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) allow us to gain an insight into all 54 rights for children and what we therefore aim to focus on throughout our journey to Silver:

  • Non-discrimination (Article 2)

  • Best interest of the child (Article 3)

  • Right to life survival and development (Article 6)

  • Right to be heard (Article 12)

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