Staff Members
G. McLean – Deputy Head Teacher Lead
Allocated Department Mentor
Hi, my name is Graeme McLean. Part of my wider Depute Head Teacher remit is working with and supporting students and newly qualified teachers. Belmont Academy is a great school. This is my 21st year working here. Belmont Academy is a truly comprehensive secondary school where we have a representation of young people across all quintiles and I truly believe this to be a strength of our school.
Irrespective of what subject department you will be joining, you will have a very positive experience. All our Middle Leaders are highly experienced and a bench mark of professionalism. You will be assigned a mentor/supporter who will guide you through your Belmont Academy journey including the successful completion of your Interim and Final Profiles for the GTCS (NQTS only). Another part of this journey will be attending our in-school bespoke Career Long Professional Learning opportunities which are delivered by key colleagues across the school. This programme has been collated by Mrs Kyle in our Design and Technology department and will focus on areas such as Meeting Learners’ Needs, Higher Order Thinking Skills and our whole school approach to Developing our Young Workforce.
Then, of course, you will meet and get to know our young people. Positive relationships with young people and colleagues is the key to any successful school and here at Belmont Academy, we pride ourselves on how well we know our youngsters, their families and their aspirations and future desires. Also, our in-school approaches to delivering high quality teaching and learning experiences known as ‘The Belmont Way’ are fully embedded across the school and our expectation is that you will implement this format in all lessons taught.
Belmont Academy has a huge range of wider curricular experiences on offer and I would advise you to get involved in as many of these as possible, or even, take the lead and introduce a new activity of your own. School Shows, Halloween and Christmas Parties, S6 Burns Suppers and a wide variety of lunchtime and after school clubs and activities are on offer. As I often say to youngsters, the more you get involved in school the more enjoyment you will get out of it and this true for all colleagues too.
Finally, I look forward to working with and supporting you through the initial stages of what I hope becomes for you a rewarding career choice as teaching has been for me.
Graeme McLean
Depute Head Teacher