Staff Members
I. Phillips
B. Murrie
Ayr Coaches
Frazier Climo
Sophie Kerr
Brad Rodrick-Evans
Adam Docherty

Belmont Rugby Academy is offered to all S1 - S3 pupils.
Course Information
● The programme is run in partnership with Ayr Community Rugby Trust at Belmont Academy. It is delivered by the Ayr Rugby Trust Development team in partnership with Ayr Rugby Club.
● The Academy of Rugby gives pupils the opportunity to train in a rugby environment as part of their school curriculum.
● S1,2 &3 pupils will receive three periods out of their school timetable each week to take part in our rugby Programme. These periods have been selected to ensure that pupils will miss no more than 1 period of any one subject and no periods of Maths or English (S3 girls are the only exception to this)

The programme aims to develop the following areas:
● Key National Themes - Hand Catch, Tackling, Offload, Ball Presentation
● Game Sense Skills - Decision Making, Defence, Attack, 2 v 1
● Physical Competencies - Agility, Core Strength, Speed, Strength
● Social Skills - Meeting new people, Learn to work as part of a team
● Mental Skills - Focus, Discipline, Rugby Values
● Lifestyle Management - Nutrition, Hydration, Rest, Activity Management
All young people participating in the Rugby Academy will be expected to adhere to a number expectations in line with the values of Ayr RFC and Belmont Academy. In order to secure a place on the course, all participants must sign the contract overleaf which details these expectations. Should participants fail to meet these expectations, their continued participation in the Rugby Academy will be in jeopardy.
Next Steps
Should you wish your daughter/son to participate in the Rugby Academy, please sign and return the contract to Mr Murrie by no later than Friday 1st September. The Academy will begin on the week beginning Monday 4th September. If you require any further information, please feel free to contact Mr Phillips at